Carbon Clarity

#6 Carbon Clarity with Kev and Marina

Kev Couling Season 1 Episode 6

Risk. It's a language every business should understand but do organisations have climate risk in their lexicon?

In this episode I'm joined by founder of Bemari Consulting, Marina Bradford to talk about some of the myths that organisations fall foul of and which mean they aren't as prepared as they should be for a range of climate risks.

Find out what's meant by physical and transitional risks, how companies can avoid being overwhelmed by the issues and how to break the problem down into digestible chunks.

Things mentioned during the show:

Bemari Consulting: Bemari - Sustainability Consulting and Systems Change
Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations: Recommendations | Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
UK Flood risk maps: Check the long term flood risk for an area in England - GOV.UK
UKGBC Physical risk guidance: Measuring & Reporting Physical Risks to Built Assets | UKGBC


Music credits:
March of the Bold by Balloon Planet (via
Check out their stuff here:

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